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Madoka and Ladder Decomposition - Codechef July Long Challenge Solution

Team ATC

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

Codechef July Long Challenge 2021 Solution | Madoka and Ladder Decomposition solution | ATC



Madoka was given a tree on her coming of age, and not a simple one, but a rooted tree of n vertices with a root at the vertex with the number 1.

For all i≥2, let Pi (1≤Pii−1) be the parent of the vertex i. Let's define the depth array h as follows: h1=1, and hi=hPi+1 for all i≥2.

The subtree of a vertex u, denoted S(u), is defined as the set of vertices v such that the unique path from 1 to v contains u. Also, we define

valu = max {h(v) : v S(u)}.

A tree is divided into paths by a ladder decomposition if each vertex is located on exactly one path, and each vertex u with at least one child lies in the same path as its child v with the maximum valv, and if there are several such vertices, then the vertex with the minimum number is selected.

Madoka defines the beauty of a tree in the following way. Let the ladder decomposition of the path lengths be L1,…,Lk, then the beauty of the tree is L21+L22+⋯+(L^2)k

For each i (1≤in), your task is to calculate the beauty of the tree formed by the first i vertices.



  • The first line contains an integer T - the number of test cases. Then T test cases follow.

  • The first line of each test case contains a single integer n - the size of the tree.

  • The second line contains n−1 integers P2,…,Pn.


For each test case, print in a separate line a single integer - the answer to the problem.


Sample Input:

1 2 1 4 3
1 2 1 4 4 6 2 8 5 6 11

Sample Output:

0 1 4 4 5 10
0 1 4 4 5 5 10 10 13 14 14 21


Explanation of Madoka and Ladder Decomposition


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

struct rooted_tree {
  vector<vector<int>> adj;
  vector<int> parent, depth, subtree, start, preorder, in, out;
  const vector<int>& operator [] (int i) const { return adj[i]; }
  rooted_tree(const vector<vector<int>>& adj_list, int root): adj(adj_list),
    parent(adj.size(), -1), depth(adj.size()), subtree(adj.size()), start(adj.size()),
    in(adj.size()), out(adj.size()) {
    build(root, -1, 0);
  rooted_tree(vector<vector<int>>&& adj_list, int root): adj(move(adj_list)),
    parent(adj.size(), -1), depth(adj.size()), subtree(adj.size()), start(adj.size()),
    in(adj.size()), out(adj.size()) {
    build(root, -1, 0);

  bool is_ancestor_of(int anc, int v, bool strict = true) const {
    if (strict) return in[anc] < in[v] && out[anc] > out[v];
    else return in[anc] <= in[v] && out[anc] >= out[v];

  int build(int u, int par, int idx) {
    in[u] = idx++;
    start[u] = (int)preorder.size();
    parent[u] = par;
    subtree[u] = 1;
    if (par != -1) {
      depth[u] = depth[par] + 1;
      vector<int>::iterator it = find(adj[u].begin(), adj[u].end(), par);
      if (it != adj[u].end()) {
    for (int v : adj[u]) {
      idx = build(v, u, idx);
      subtree[u] += subtree[v];
    out[u] = idx++;
    return idx;
template <class DS, typename Query_t>
struct range_query_tree : rooted_tree {
  DS range_ds;
  vector<int> top; // top of heavy chains
  range_query_tree(const vector<vector<int>>& adj_list, int root):
    rooted_tree(adj_list, root), range_ds((int)adj.size()), top(adj.size()) {
    top[root] = root;
    build(root, 0);
  range_query_tree(vector<vector<int>>&& adj_list, int root):
    rooted_tree(move(adj_list), root), range_ds((int)adj.size()), top(adj.size()) {
    top[root] = root;
    build(root, 0);

  int ancestor(int u, int k) const {
    if (k < 0) throw invalid_argument("tried to find the kth ancestor where k < 0");
    if (k > depth[u]) return -1;
    while (true) {
      int len = depth[u] - depth[top[u]] + 1;
      if (k < len) {
        return preorder[start[u] - k];
      u = parent[top[u]];
      k -= len;
  int lca(int u, int v) const {
    while (top[u] != top[v]) {
      if (depth[top[u]] < depth[top[v]]) swap(u, v);
      u = parent[top[u]];
    return depth[u] < depth[v] ? u : v;
  int distance(int u, int v) const {
    int c = lca(u, v);
    return depth[u] + depth[v] - 2 * depth[c];
  int kth(int u, int v, int k) const {
    int c = lca(u, v);
    int up = depth[u] - depth[c];
    int down = depth[v] - depth[c];
    if (k <= up) {
      return ancestor(u, k);
    } else {
      return ancestor(v, up + down - k);

  template <class... Args>
  void update_point(int u, const Args&... args) {
    range_ds.update_point(start[u], args...);
  template <class... Args>
  Query_t query_point(int u, const Args&... args) {
    return range_ds.query_point(start[u], args...);

  template <class... Args>
  void update_subtree(int u, const Args&... args) {
    range_ds.update_range(start[u], start[u] + subtree[u] - 1, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  Query_t query_subtree(int u, const Args&... args) {
    return range_ds.query_range(start[u], start[u] + subtree[u] - 1, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  int search_subtree(int u, const Args&... args) {
    int idx = range_ds.search_left(start[u], start[u] + subtree[u] - 1, args...);
    return idx < range_ds.lim ? preorder[idx] : -1;

  template <class... Args>
  void update_non_subtree(int u, const Args&... args) {
    range_ds.update_range(0, start[u] - 1, args...);
    range_ds.update_range(start[u] + subtree[u], subtree[preorder[0]] - 1, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  Query_t query_non_subtree(
    int u, function<Query_t(Query_t, Query_t)> merge, const Args&... args) {
    return merge(
      range_ds.query_range(0, start[u] - 1, args...),
      range_ds.query_range(start[u] + subtree[u], subtree[preorder[0]] - 1, args...));
  template <class... Args>
  int search_non_subtree(int u, Args... args) {
    int idx = range_ds.search_left(0, start[u] - 1, args...);
    if (idx < range_ds.lim) return preorder[idx];
    idx = range_ds.search_left(start[u] + subtree[u], subtree[preorder[0]] - 1, args...);
    return idx < range_ds.lim ? preorder[idx] : -1;

  template <class... Args>
  int update_path(int u, int v, bool include_lca, const Args&... args) {
    while (top[u] != top[v]) {
      if (depth[top[u]] < depth[top[v]]) swap(u, v);
      range_ds.update_range(start[top[u]], start[u], args...);
      u = parent[top[u]];
    if (include_lca || u != v) {
      if (depth[u] < depth[v]) swap(u, v);
      range_ds.update_range(start[v] + !include_lca, start[u], args...);
    return v;
  template <class Combine, class... Args>
  Query_t query_path(int u, int v, bool include_lca, Query_t res,
                     const Combine& merge, const Args&... args) {
    while (top[u] != top[v]) {
      if (depth[top[u]] < depth[top[v]]) swap(u, v);
      res = merge(res, range_ds.query_range(start[top[u]], start[u], args...));
      u = parent[top[u]];
    if (include_lca || u != v) {
      if (depth[u] < depth[v]) swap(u, v);
      res = merge(res, range_ds.query_range(start[v] + !include_lca, start[u], args...));
    return res;

  template <class... Args>
  int search_path(int u, int v, bool include_lca, Args... args) {
    bool rev = false;
    vector<pair<int, int>> down;
    while (top[u] != top[v]) {
      if (depth[top[u]] < depth[top[v]]) {
        swap(u, v);
        rev ^= 1;
      int left = start[top[u]];
      int right = start[u];
      if (rev) {
        down.emplace_back(left, right);
      } else {
        int res = range_ds.search_right_mutable(left, right, args...);
        if (res != range_ds.lim) return preorder[res];
      u = parent[top[u]];
    if (include_lca || u != v) {
      if (depth[u] < depth[v]) {
        swap(u, v);
        rev ^= 1;
      int left = start[v] + !include_lca;
      int right = start[u];
      if (rev) {
        down.emplace_back(left, right);
      } else {
        int res = range_ds.search_right_mutable(left, right, args...);
        if (res != range_ds.lim) return preorder[res];
    for (auto it = down.rbegin(); it != down.rend(); it++) {
      int res = range_ds.search_left_mutable(it->first, it->second, args...);
      if (res != range_ds.lim) return preorder[res];
    return -1;

  int build(int u, int idx) {
    in[u] = idx++;
    start[u] = (int)preorder.size();
    if (!adj[u].empty()) {
      pair<int, size_t> big;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < adj[u].size(); i++) {
        big = max(big, pair(subtree[adj[u][i]], i));
      if (big.second > 0) {
        swap(adj[u][0], adj[u][big.second]);
      top[adj[u].front()] = top[u];
      idx = build(adj[u].front(), idx);
      for (size_t i = 1; i < adj[u].size(); i++) {
        int v = adj[u][i];
        top[v] = v;
        idx = build(v, idx);
    out[u] = idx++;
    return idx;

template <class Node_t, typename Query_t, bool push = true, bool break_cond = false>
struct segment_tree {
  int lim, length;
  vector<Node_t> data;
  Node_t& operator [] (int i) { return data[i]; }

  segment_tree(int n): lim(n),
    length(1 << (lim == 1 ? 0 : 32 - __builtin_clz(lim - 1))), data(2 * length) {}
  template <class Input_t>
  segment_tree(const vector<Input_t>& a, int offset = 0): lim((int)size(a)),
    length(1 << (lim == 1 ? 0 : 32 - __builtin_clz(lim - 1))), data(2*length) {
    for (int i = offset; i < lim; i++) {
      data[length + i] = Node_t(a[i]);
  void build() {
    for (int i = length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      data[i].pull(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);
  void assign_lengths() {
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      data[i + length].length = 1;
    for (int i = length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      data[i].length = data[2 * i].length + data[2 * i + 1].length;

  template <class... Args>
  void update_range(int l, int r, const Args&... args) {
    update(l, r, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  void update(int l, int r, const Args&... args) {
    if (r < l) return;
    if (l < 0 || lim <= r) throw invalid_argument("update range out of bounds");
    __update(l, r, 1, 0, length - 1, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  void __update(int l, int r, int i, int first, int last, const Args&... args) {
    if constexpr (break_cond) {
      if (data[i].break_condition(args...)) return;
      if (l <= first && last <= r && data[i].put_condition(args...)) {
        return data[i].put(args...);
      if (i >= length) {
        throw invalid_argument("put_condition/break_condition is incorrect, "
                               "trying to descend past a leaf");
    } else {
      if (l <= first && last <= r) {
        return data[i].put(args...);
    if constexpr (push) data[i].push(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);
    int mid = (first + last) / 2;
    if(l <= mid) __update(l, r, 2*i, first, mid, args...);
    if(mid < r) __update(l, r, 2*i + 1, mid + 1, last, args...);
    data[i].pull(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);

  template <class... Args>
  Query_t query_range(int l, int r, const Args&... args) {
    return query(l, r, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  Query_t query(int l, int r, const Args&... args) {
    if (r < l) return Node_t::default_value();
    if (l < 0 || lim <= r) throw invalid_argument("query range out of bounds");
    return __query(l, r, 1, 0, length - 1, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  Query_t __query(int l, int r, int i, int first, int last, const Args&... args) {
    if (l <= first && last <= r) return data[i].get(args...);
    if constexpr (push) data[i].push(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);
    int mid = (first + last) / 2;
    if(r <= mid) return __query(l, r, 2*i, first, mid, args...);
    if(mid < l) return __query(l, r, 2*i + 1, mid + 1, last, args...);
    return Node_t::merge(
        __query(l, r, 2*i, first, mid, args...),
        __query(l, r, 2*i + 1, mid + 1, last, args...));

  template <class... Args>
  void update_point(int x, const Args&... args) {
    if (x < 0 || lim <= x) throw invalid_argument("update_point index out of bounds");
    __update_point(x, 1, 0, length - 1, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  void __update_point(int x, int i, int first, int last, const Args&... args) {
    if (first == last) return data[i].put(args...);
    if constexpr (push) data[i].push(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);
    int mid = (first + last) / 2;
    if (x <= mid) __update_point(x, 2*i, first, mid, args...);
    else __update_point(x, 2*i + 1, mid + 1, last, args...);
    data[i].pull(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);

  template <class... Args>
  Query_t query_point(int x, const Args&... args) {
    if (x < 0 || lim <= x) throw invalid_argument("query_point index out of bounds");
    return __query_point(x, 1, 0, length - 1, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  Query_t __query_point(int x, int i, int first, int last, const Args&... args) {
    if (first == last) return data[i].get(args...);
    if constexpr (push) data[i].push(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);
    int mid = (first + last) / 2;
    if (x <= mid) return __query_point(x, 2*i, first, mid, args...);
    else return __query_point(x, 2*i + 1, mid + 1, last, args...);

  template <class... Args>
  void update_up(int x, const Args&... args) {
    if (x < 0 || lim <= x) throw invalid_argument("update_up index out of bounds");
    for (int i = x + length; i > 0; i /= 2) {

  template <class... Args>
  Query_t query_up(int x, const Args&... args) {
    if (x < 0 || lim <= x) throw invalid_argument("query_up index out of bounds");
    return __query_up(x, 1, 0, length - 1, args...);
  template <class... Args>
  Query_t __query_up(int x, int i, int first, int last, const Args&... args) {
    if (first == last) return data[i].get(args...);
    if constexpr (push) data[i].push(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);
    int mid = (first + last) / 2;
    if (x <= mid) {
      return Node_t::merge(data[i].get(args...), __query_up(x, 2*i, first, mid, args...));
    } else {
      return Node_t::merge(data[i].get(args...), __query_up(x, 2*i + 1, mid + 1, last, args...));

  template <class... Args>
  int search_left(int l, int r, Args... args) {
    if (r < l) return lim;
    if (l < 0 || lim <= r) throw invalid_argument("search_left range out of bounds");
    return __search_left(l, r, 1, 0, length - 1, forward_as_tuple(args...));
  template <class... Args>
  int search_left_mutable(int l, int r, Args&... args) {
    if (r < l) return lim;
    if (l < 0 || lim <= r) throw invalid_argument("search_left range out of bounds");
    return __search_left(l, r, 1, 0, length - 1, forward_as_tuple(args...));
  template <class... Args>
  int __search_left(int l, int r, int i, int first, int last, tuple<Args&...> args) {
    if (l <= first && last <= r
        && !apply(&Node_t::contains, tuple_cat(tuple(data[i]), args))) return lim;
    if (first == last) return first;
    if constexpr (push) data[i].push(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);
    int mid = (first + last) / 2;
    int res = (l <= mid ? __search_left(l, r, 2*i, first, mid, args) : lim);
    if (res == lim && mid < r) res = __search_left(l, r, 2*i + 1, mid + 1, last, args);
    return res;

  template <class... Args>
  int search_right(int l, int r, Args... args) {
    if (r < l) return lim;
    if (l < 0 || lim <= r) throw invalid_argument("search_right range out of bounds");
    return __search_right(l, r, 1, 0, length - 1, forward_as_tuple(args...));
  template <class... Args>
  int search_right_mutable(int l, int r, Args&... args) {
    if (r < l) return lim;
    if (l < 0 || lim <= r) throw invalid_argument("search_right range out of bounds");
    return __search_right(l, r, 1, 0, length - 1, forward_as_tuple(args...));
  template <class... Args>
  int __search_right(int l, int r, int i, int first, int last, tuple<Args&...> args) {
    if (l <= first && last <= r
        && !apply(&Node_t::contains, tuple_cat(tuple(data[i]), args))) return lim;
    if (first == last) return first;
    if constexpr (push) data[i].push(data[2*i], data[2*i + 1]);
    int mid = (first + last) / 2;
    int res = (mid < r ? __search_right(l, r, 2*i + 1, mid + 1, last, args) : lim);
    if (res == lim && l <= mid) res = __search_right(l, r, 2*i, first, mid, args);
    return res;

#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
template <typename T>
using ordered_set = __gnu_pbds::tree<T,

using ll = long long;
using ld = long double;
using pt = complex<ld>;

constexpr char nl = '\n';
constexpr int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
constexpr ll INFLL = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f;
constexpr int MOD = 998244353;
constexpr ld EPS = 1e-9L;
random_device _rd; mt19937 rng(_rd());

struct node {
  int value; bool lazy;
  node() = default;
  void put(int v) { value = v; lazy = true; }
  int get() const { return value; }
  void push(node& a, node& b) {
    if (lazy) {
      lazy = false;
  void pull(const node&, const node&) const {}
using DS = segment_tree<node, int>;

ll sqr(int x) { return (ll)x*x; }
int main() {
  cout << fixed << setprecision(10);
#if defined(ONLINE_JUDGE) && defined(FILENAME)
  freopen(FILENAME ".in", "r", stdin);
  freopen(FILENAME ".out", "w", stdout);

  int T;
  cin >> T;
  while(T--) {
    int n;
    cin >> n;

    vector<int> parent(n+1);
    vector<vector<int>> adj(n+1);
    for(int i=2; i<=n; i++) {
      cin >> parent[i];

    range_query_tree<DS, int> tree(move(adj), 1);
    vector<int> down(n+1), tail(n+1);

    vector<ll> ans(n+1);
    tree.update_point(1, 1);
    tail[1] = 1;
    ans[1] = 0;

    for(int i=2; i<=n; i++) {
      tree.update_point(i, i);
      tail[i] = i;
      ans[i] = ans[i-1];

      int head = i;
      while (head != 1) {
        int mid = parent[head];
        int top = tree.query_point(mid);
        if (tree.depth[i] <= tree.depth[tail[top]]) {
        if (mid == tail[top]) {
          down[mid] = i;
          tail[top] = i;
          tree.update_point(i, top);
          ans[i] += sqr(tree.depth[i] - tree.depth[top]) - sqr(tree.depth[mid] - tree.depth[top]);
        } else {
          ans[i] -= sqr(tree.depth[i] - tree.depth[head]) + sqr(tree.depth[tail[top]] - tree.depth[top]);
          ans[i] += sqr(tree.depth[i] - tree.depth[top]) + sqr(tree.depth[tail[top]] - tree.depth[down[mid]]);
          tree.update_path(tail[top], down[mid], true, down[mid]);
          tree.update_path(i, head, true, top);
          tail[down[mid]] = tail[top];
          tail[top] = i;
          down[mid] = head;
        head = top;
    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) {
      cout << ans[i] << " ";
    cout << nl;
  return 0;

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